Making, Maturing, and Mobilising committed followers of Jesus.

From the Pastor

Malcolm Turnbull is Australia’s 29th prime minister!!! Australian politics have changed again! Mr Turnbull’s 10-vote victory means Australia has had four prime ministers in just over two years!

How should we respond to that as believers?


In Romans 13, Paul taught that God has appointed the government authorities. Paul calls the government “God’s servant.” God has ordained kings and civil officers whom He calls to govern by laws and policies so that the sinfulness of man be restrained and things be conducted in our country in good order. God even gives them the sword to punish the evildoer.


What is the task of government? God ordains the government. Teachers, leaders, workers, authorities and citizens, all fit into God’s plan. They are set over us, like our father and mother. The authority of government comes from God and not man, or his understanding of nature or of kingdoms. The state government is established by God and ordained by God to serve His justice. God had ordained the authority with power and it was necessary because of the sin and brokenness of the earthly dispensation.


The full truth is that God mandates them. God used the election on Tuesday to bring Mr Turnbull into power, and the Lord gives him the authority as Prime Minister.


We are allowed to be happy or unhappy with a new premier, but happy or unhappy, we need to honour the government and the premier. We may think that certain laws are unjust and yet the Bible demands that we honour the government and the premier. Peter wrote in 1 Pet 2:17: “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honour the emperor.”


God governs us by the hand of those He puts over us. And if you reject the authority of parents, office bearers in the church, teacher, civil government, then you are rebelling against God. Keep the faith. On ourselves we cannot conquer, but God can, He is with us; trust in Him. He is our hope! He is in control. For our sins Jesus died!


Our reward is not in this world. Our reward is in Jesus Christ who reigns at the Right Hand of His Father!


Lastly, we should pray for wisdom for Mr Turnbull. Pray that he will lead this country fair and according to God’s Word! Pray that he will lead this country to serve God and His people!

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