Making, Maturing, and Mobilising committed followers of Jesus.

From the Pastor’s Desk

This evening’s Devotion service is for everyone and you are invited to come and be taught out of the Great confession of comfort, the Heidelberg Catechism. When Paul...
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From the Pastor’s Desk

What is the church? We are the church! To be church and to join the church is all about Jesus. The church is in a close unity with Jesus and is like a bride and a Groom...
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From the Pastor

Through the food we eat, our daily needs are fulfilled, but he or she who eats the Bread of Life, will never ever get hungry again. Such love, we should not ignore, not...
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From the Pastor

Malcolm Turnbull is Australia’s 29th prime minister!!! Australian politics have changed again! Mr Turnbull’s 10-vote victory means Australia has had four prime ministers...
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Pastor’s Notes

We need to ask: How are we treating strangers or refugees? This became a difficult political question in our times. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled their home...
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